• icon PB No. 16, Kharsia Road, Raigarh CG)
  • icon opjs.raigarh@jindalsteel.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 6 AM to 5 PM

British Council IDS

International Activities


“Think global, act local” is a world famous slogan. The words of Sir Patrick Geddes are a part of a legacy which has influenced education for global citizenship today. At this time there are significant and substantial global challenges but there are also many opportunities which we should grasp to ensure that children develop the skills, knowledge and values to flourish and succeed. Curriculum for Excellence is now a reality in OPJS and we believe that the students benefit most due to transformational change from traditional methods to more innovative methods. This provides inspiration and ideas for classroom learning and aims to stimulate thinking about integrated approaches in developing global citizens within curriculum. We encourage all teachers in our institution to explore various opportunities and resources to help our children develop as responsible global citizens.
